Contact Us
Bee Well Therapy, Inc. is located in Stamford, Connecticut.
Please call 203-322-7872 for a FREE phone consultation during normal daytime and early evening hours. I always return all potential client phone calls. If I don’t call back within 24 hours, then I probably didn’t receive your message for whatever reason. Please try calling again, and speak clearly and loud enough for the answering machine to capture your message. Too many times I have not been able to return phone calls because callers were soft-spoken, or poor phone transmission was present, and I was unable to make out a digit or two, which prevented me from returning calls. Likewise, many numbers I call say “Temporarily out-of-service” because a cell phone bill is past due. Thank you.
House calls by appointment. I will also travel anywhere in North America to train those with a health ailment how to do BVT for themselves, if all my travel expenses are covered. As an alternative, those with a health condition who can travel, can fly to any New York area airport to be trained in their hotel room.
As an advisory, to those looking for FREE bee venom therapy instruction over the phone … it will not be provided. I am a professional bee venom therapist with knowledge for sale in person-to-person client visits. I have spent time and money over several years acquiring this knowledge, and FREE does not put food on my table. Please do not waste your time or mine by calling for such requests.